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ARRC Solutions Corporation
System Design
Today for many organizations,  information systems are  computer-based heart of daily  activities and the subject of  much consideration in decision  making. companies consider  carefully the capabilities of  information systems offers  services .ARRC design of  complex systems, demanding  Organizations wishing to  comply with the demands of a  global market. 
FPGA programming
FPGAs are programmable  silicon chip. The adoption of  FPGA chips in the industry has  been driven because the FPGA  and offer combined hardware-  timed speed and reliability  without requiring high volumes  to justify the large expenditure  that generates a custom  design. ARRC has an area of  development for the  programming of these devices. 
Programming Smart Cards
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Area Marketing
Department responsible for  commercializing products for  the Petroleum, Electrical and  Industrial Supplies industry.   Arrc Solutions has an  international marketing  department, which is  responsible for selling and  distributing products of high  complexity. Adjusted to the  specific needs inductrial gives  each sector.
ARC Solutions corporation, company founded on the basis of exercising leadership in the work being undertaken, with a clear sense of permanence  in time. Our activities are designed to add value and bring benefits to the sectors, supply of equipment for Oil Industry, Electric and Industry, by  providing sustainable solutions containing the best technology, knowledge, commitment and professionalism.   Within a framework of institutional transparency, work for the welfare of our employees, the best interests of the community, continuous  improvement of our processes and the satisfaction of our customers while maintaining optimal returns to shareholders and maintaining financial  strength.